Known bugs :-
- Item template query still needs to be fixed (will do shortly)
- Quest query still needs to be fixes
- Cubes/boxes on npcs (needs a field pushed forward)
- Authpacket change (needs to be done to enable new races)
Known working :- (Fixed stuff)
- Groups
- Channels
- Full 2.0.10 support
- No advertisement bullshit
- DBC structures updated to 2.0.x
I'll post a new patch shortly with the item/quest stuff fixed, as at the moment I am extremely busy with quite a few things on my mind (mainly my own server/emu, which has just undergone a lot of massive core changes).
I repeat: this is *NOT* EspireEmu/mmorpg4free's emu. That is my other (main) project that I spend my time on. This is merely an effort on my part to correct what I may have offended some members of the community and to help you guys out.
Download link: http://filebeam.com/33dd97a00fc6c7b12c0db2610bf57b51
* This is a source .patch file. It is not a binary. I'll leave compiling up to you guys, providing binaries in my opinion is bad because it leaves the way to viruses/trojans. Simply apply this patch to the LATEST svn, and recompile, and you should be good. *
*** UPDATE ***
* Item prototypes -> should fix encanting etc professions, use my item sql.
* Creature templates -> fixes all cubes on mobs, use my creature sql.
* TBC Races enable
* Quest query packet
* Item query packet
* Negative aura cancel
creature_template.sql -> http://filebeam.com/919ba963cb981e61a13228016a27a66f
item_template.sql -> http://filebeam.com/49c95f98b5290e096dad442f8acfca14
mangos-2.0.10-2.rar -> http://filebeam.com/61f9a9501462cd4eb032ef5d85ccf7c8
昨天差點昏倒, 因為Chrome Browser一開啟後居然一片白畫面. 雖然還有IE可以用, 但就是習慣Chrome了啊, 然後開始Google別人如何解決, 不過看起來不少人遇到相同的問題, 但都沒什麼解決方法. 什麼掃毒啦, 重新安裝Chrome啦, 砍掉Default啦....
I/O mapped I/O(port-mapped I/O或Direct I/O) I/O與memory均擁有自己的記憶體空間 需要特別的指令來處理I/O 好處是完全不用考慮記憶體空間被I/O佔用,缺點需要額外的指令專門處理I/O存取。 Memory Mapped I/O I/...
好像不少人會找這個Sample Code, 小修改一下好了. 先前的Code有不少的Warning出現而且會Crash耶! 底下分別列出UDP Server及Client的範例程式. UDP Server (udp-server.c) 利用 socket 介面設計網路應用程...
“又是炎熱小鎮慵懶的一天。太陽高掛,街道無人,每個人都債台高築,靠信用度日。這時,從外地來了一位有錢的旅客,他進了一家旅館,拿出一張1000 元鈔票放在櫃檯,說想先看看房間,挑一間合適的過夜,就在此人上樓的時候---- 店主抓了這張1000 元鈔,跑到隔壁屠戶那裡支付了他欠的肉錢...