2013年12月2日 星期一

Open Virtual Platforms - the source of Fast Processor Models & Platforms

Open Virtual Platforms - the source of Fast Processor Models & Platforms

Welcome to one of the most exciting open source software developments in the embedded software world since GNU created GDB. OVP: Fast Simulation, Free open source models, Public APIs: Open Virtual Platforms.

If you are developing embedded software then virtual platforms will be increasingly important to you - especially if you are working on designs with more than one processor - then this portal will become an important resource for you.

Different between QEMU
Both of then are free, but great for multiprocessor platforms with arbitrary shared and local memory configurations.
Simulation of processors with virtual memory with almost no performance penalty.
Peripheral Simulation Engine (PSE) 



“又是炎熱小鎮慵懶的一天。太陽高掛,街道無人,每個人都債台高築,靠信用度日。這時,從外地來了一位有錢的旅客,他進了一家旅館,拿出一張1000 元鈔票放在櫃檯,說想先看看房間,挑一間合適的過夜,就在此人上樓的時候---- 店主抓了這張1000 元鈔,跑到隔壁屠戶那裡支付了他欠的肉錢...