2013年8月19日 星期一

Message Passing Interface

Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a standardized and portable message-passing system designed by a group of researchers from academia and industry to function on a wide variety of parallel computers. The standard defines the syntax and semantics of a core of library routines useful to a wide range of users writing portable message-passing programs. We can use it for creating programmes for distributed computing systems (parallel computing).

  1. 所有的節點(node,為一台電腦)串接在一起,各自有獨立的記憶體及CPU。
  2. 各節點間會透過互相傳遞訊息來了解彼此的進度。

  3. MPI是利用C語言或Fortran等程式的命令,達到節點間的接收訊息與傳達訊息。

Install MPI environment for you ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libcr-dev mpich2 mpich2-doc

MPI Hello Wrold example

/* C Example */
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  int rank, size;
  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);      /* starts MPI */
  MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);        /* get current process id */
  MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);        /* get number of processes */
  printf( "Hello world from process %d of %d\n", rank, size );
  return 0;

mpicc mpi_hello.c -o hello
mpirun -np 2 ./hello

不過有點奇怪, 我目前在我的ubuntu上跑這個code, size回傳居然是1@@
MPI tutorial




“又是炎熱小鎮慵懶的一天。太陽高掛,街道無人,每個人都債台高築,靠信用度日。這時,從外地來了一位有錢的旅客,他進了一家旅館,拿出一張1000 元鈔票放在櫃檯,說想先看看房間,挑一間合適的過夜,就在此人上樓的時候---- 店主抓了這張1000 元鈔,跑到隔壁屠戶那裡支付了他欠的肉錢...